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If you would like to download BSE Scrip codes, Name and our Sector classification data, download it here. Download the csv file, and open it in MS excel!



Here is all the static information about this site, features and details in each section and how are they derived, and ultimately it is left to you on "How to use it". No where in the site we would suggest a "buy", "sell" type stuff, this is just a computer generated reporting and interpretation is left to you.
Entire site is refreshed every night (about 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM at the end of trading session), so that the next morning its ready for you.

Home Page:

*   First, Home page tells you what is the latest date by which the data is available. Most probably it would be the previous trading session, unless there is a server crash or something like that.
*   Advnaces, declines are displayed next. This is for the whole trading session, not seperated by any basis ( be it sectors or size of the companies). The idea is to let you know the health of overall market, and a pie chart is used to depict the numbers.
*   In the next section, we show the best performing and worst performing sectors with respect to Advnaces, and declines ratio, you can directly visit the sector specific page by clicking on the link to see other stock details.
*   A news section is embedded from google with key words "BSE SENSEX", any news that is related to Sensex will be displayed by google news in this box.
*   Last section displays the company wise moves (start, close price, percent move for the previous trading session), these are typically the SENSEX (top) stocks.
*   You must have observed a flashing headlines section. This box shows all the stocks (irrespective of sector) which made highest moves (% up) in last trading session, this also gives you the "from sector" details, so if you are interested, you can visit that particular sector in sectorwise screen.


Sizzlers is the place where we tried to provide stocks with some cools trends. Our programs go after the data with predefine logic and finally fetch stocks which are doing consistently better than other stocks. This does not mean these are the only best performers in the market., but that is what we derived, one of the example pattern to find sizzler is - A stock which had one day move greater than 10 % and 3 day move greater than 15 % and fifteen day move greater than 50% and total number of shares traded 100000. Many such combinations are used to fetch which we thought would be good.

Sector Summary:

Sector Summary is the place where you would get the summary of each sector with respect to advances and declines. The sector which had more advnaces comparitively to the declines wit other sectors is shown at the top and second best in the next place and so on so forth. Links are availabe to see the top gainers on that day (which would take you to the company specific details page to give you more data on the trends). You can also visit sector specific page to see all the stocks under that sector.

Oneday moves:

Oneday moves is the place where you would get the data for each stocks start price, close price, order by the stock with highest percentage move in the previous trading session at the top, then the next highest and so and on and so forth. You can click on the link which takes you to the stock details page, where more trend information is available.

Company list:

This page has all the companies listed, with a link to its details page where more trend information is available. Do a "Ctrl"+F keys to find the stock you are interested in.

About Us:

Most important page you should visit before you check out any other pages.

Contact Us:

If you have a suggestion, a new way of identifying good stocks, a new chart that can help, a correction in the data, user interface suggestion, criticism or anything for that matter, visit our Feedback page and let us know what you have to say.

Sector wise Active Stocks:

When you click on the button, you would be taken to a page with all the sectors listed in alphabetical order. Clicking on respective site would take you to the page with stocks under that sector

Day Movers and Shakers:

When you click on the button, you would be taken to a page with the list of stocks that moved up more than 10% in last trading session and their respective start and close prices. The details are, rted by price percent move in a descending (highest moves at the top) order.