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Borosil Glas (Bse Code: 502219 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Borosil Glas (Bse Code: 502219 ) is 790. Currently the stock is trading 28.01% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Borosil Glas (Bse Code: 502219 ) is 10188. Currently the stock is trading 90.07% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 1058.60  Closed at: 1011.3  Number of trades 8041  Number of shares traded 190205
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 14.63%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 1011.3 190205
18-Jun-2018 882.2 11503
07-Mar-2018 897.45 10153
06-Mar-2018 916 5364
12-Feb-2018 1000.55 22211

Tree House

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Tree House is 6.36. Currently the stock is trading 9.75% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Tree House is 18.84. Currently the stock is trading 62.95% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 6.37  Closed at: 6.98  Number of trades 5  Number of shares traded 401
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 06.56%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 6.98 401
18-Jun-2018 6.55 655
07-Mar-2018 10.26 13738
06-Mar-2018 10.79 22041
12-Feb-2018 13.39 21686

Noida Toll Bridge Company Limited (Bse Code:532481)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Noida Toll Bridge Company Limited (Bse Code:532481) is 8. Currently the stock is trading 23.13% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Noida Toll Bridge Company Limited (Bse Code:532481) is 15.9. Currently the stock is trading 38.05% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 9.30  Closed at: 9.85  Number of trades 32  Number of shares traded 6296
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 05.69%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 9.85 6296
18-Jun-2018 9.32 45210
07-Mar-2018 12.46 45829
06-Mar-2018 12.84 44936
12-Feb-2018 13.68 117086

Welspun Inv

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Welspun Inv is 89. Currently the stock is trading 65.17% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Welspun Inv is 365.3. Currently the stock is trading 59.76% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 147.00  Closed at: 147  Number of trades 1  Number of shares traded 15
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 05.00%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 147 15
18-Jun-2018 - -
07-Mar-2018 182.95 2
06-Mar-2018 - -
12-Feb-2018 167.3 7357

Devine Impe (Bse Code:531585)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Devine Impe (Bse Code:531585) is 3.15. Currently the stock is trading 19.05% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Devine Impe (Bse Code:531585) is 5.11. Currently the stock is trading 26.61% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 3.75  Closed at: 3.75  Number of trades 1  Number of shares traded 5
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 04.75%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 3.75 5
18-Jun-2018 3.58 5
07-Mar-2018 - -
06-Mar-2018 - -
12-Feb-2018 - -

Dolph Med Se (Bse Code:526504)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Dolph Med Se (Bse Code:526504) is .84. Currently the stock is trading 9.52% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Dolph Med Se (Bse Code:526504) is 2.1. Currently the stock is trading 56.19% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 0.88  Closed at: .92  Number of trades 4  Number of shares traded 1806
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 04.55%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 .92 1806
18-Jun-2018 .88 951
07-Mar-2018 1.12 1445
06-Mar-2018 1.15 200
12-Feb-2018 1.35 200

Natraj Fin (Bse Code:512047)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Natraj Fin (Bse Code:512047) is 1.41. Currently the stock is trading 15.6% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Natraj Fin (Bse Code:512047) is 1.93. Currently the stock is trading 15.54% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 1.63  Closed at: 1.63  Number of trades 4  Number of shares traded 4209
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 04.49%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 1.63 4209
18-Jun-2018 - -
07-Mar-2018 1.66 450
06-Mar-2018 1.66 1000
12-Feb-2018 1.73 1918

Virat Crane Industries Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:519457)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Virat Crane Industries Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:519457) is 33.05. Currently the stock is trading 57.19% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Virat Crane Industries Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:519457) is 57.8. Currently the stock is trading 10.12% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 50.00  Closed at: 51.95  Number of trades 5  Number of shares traded 200
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 03.90%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 51.95 200
18-Jun-2018 50 810
07-Mar-2018 55.2 23670
06-Mar-2018 55.05 31076
12-Feb-2018 46 2701

Pankaj Piyus

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Pankaj Piyus is 38.6. Currently the stock is trading 56.74% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Pankaj Piyus is 67. Currently the stock is trading 9.7% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 60.50  Closed at: 60.5  Number of trades 1  Number of shares traded 50
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 03.77%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 60.5 50
18-Jun-2018 58.3 931
07-Mar-2018 60.1 175
06-Mar-2018 66.75 615
12-Feb-2018 55.1 625

Zodiac Jrd Mkj Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:512587)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Zodiac Jrd Mkj Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:512587) is 30. Currently the stock is trading 39.17% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Zodiac Jrd Mkj Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:512587) is 56.4. Currently the stock is trading 25.98% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 40.00  Closed at: 41.75  Number of trades 3  Number of shares traded 417
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 03.73%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 41.75 417
18-Jun-2018 40.25 510
07-Mar-2018 42.05 929
06-Mar-2018 44.4 10
12-Feb-2018 49.55 1886

High Energy (Bse Code: 504176 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of High Energy (Bse Code: 504176 ) is 275.05. Currently the stock is trading 36.34% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of High Energy (Bse Code: 504176 ) is 529.95. Currently the stock is trading 29.24% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 385.00  Closed at: 375  Number of trades 21  Number of shares traded 596
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 03.59%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 375 596
18-Jun-2018 362 130
07-Mar-2018 448.25 586
06-Mar-2018 461.9 171
12-Feb-2018 510.25 7418

Choksi Imag (Bse Code:530427)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Choksi Imag (Bse Code:530427) is 24.5. Currently the stock is trading 11.84% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Choksi Imag (Bse Code:530427) is 39.75. Currently the stock is trading 31.07% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 27.80  Closed at: 27.4  Number of trades 2  Number of shares traded 20
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 03.40%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 27.4 20
18-Jun-2018 - -
07-Mar-2018 34.75 6165
06-Mar-2018 33.5 8725
12-Feb-2018 31.7 6047

Country Club India Ltd (Bse Code:526550)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Country Club India Ltd (Bse Code:526550) is 8.93. Currently the stock is trading 2.91% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Country Club India Ltd (Bse Code:526550) is 22. Currently the stock is trading 58.23% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 9.14  Closed at: 9.19  Number of trades 162  Number of shares traded 9450
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 02.91%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 9.19 9450
18-Jun-2018 8.93 28127
07-Mar-2018 13.36 30732
06-Mar-2018 13.91 18377
12-Feb-2018 15.75 15858

Sparc System (Bse Code:531370)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Sparc System (Bse Code:531370) is 2.75. Currently the stock is trading 62.55% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Sparc System (Bse Code:531370) is 6.78. Currently the stock is trading 34.07% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 4.14  Closed at: 4.47  Number of trades 5  Number of shares traded 1400
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 02.76%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 4.47 1400
18-Jun-2018 4.35 1200
07-Mar-2018 4.64 5601
06-Mar-2018 4.42 800
12-Feb-2018 - -

Empire Ind. (Bse Code: 509525 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Empire Ind. (Bse Code: 509525 ) is 1735. Currently the stock is trading 9.41% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Empire Ind. (Bse Code: 509525 ) is 2598. Currently the stock is trading 26.93% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 1849.00  Closed at: 1898.35  Number of trades 22  Number of shares traded 198
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 02.56%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 1898.35 198
18-Jun-2018 1851 2
07-Mar-2018 2038.45 738
06-Mar-2018 2072.8 490
12-Feb-2018 2238.95 1438

Kaycee Ind (Bse Code: 504084 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Kaycee Ind (Bse Code: 504084 ) is 4170. Currently the stock is trading 113.43% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Kaycee Ind (Bse Code: 504084 ) is 10095.65. Currently the stock is trading 11.84% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 9118.65  Closed at: 8900  Number of trades 42  Number of shares traded 255
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 02.48%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 8900 255
18-Jun-2018 8684.45 82
07-Mar-2018 - -
06-Mar-2018 - -
12-Feb-2018 8820 28

Martin Burn (Bse Code:523566)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Martin Burn (Bse Code:523566) is 20.7. Currently the stock is trading 146.14% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Martin Burn (Bse Code:523566) is 51.6. Currently the stock is trading 1.26% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 50.50  Closed at: 50.95  Number of trades 39  Number of shares traded 1501
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 02.31%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 50.95 1501
18-Jun-2018 49.8 1215
07-Mar-2018 43 24918
06-Mar-2018 42.85 22308
12-Feb-2018 44 50

Shilp Gravures Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:513709)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Shilp Gravures Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:513709) is 114. Currently the stock is trading 7.5% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Shilp Gravures Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:513709) is 180. Currently the stock is trading 31.92% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 117.00  Closed at: 122.55  Number of trades 85  Number of shares traded 4199
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 02.04%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 122.55 4199
18-Jun-2018 120.1 1959
07-Mar-2018 125.9 10604
06-Mar-2018 132.6 3548
12-Feb-2018 145.85 6215

Zen Tech

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Zen Tech is 46.45. Currently the stock is trading 83.64% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Zen Tech is 158.1. Currently the stock is trading 46.05% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 83.50  Closed at: 85.3  Number of trades 241  Number of shares traded 26968
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 01.91%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 85.3 26968
18-Jun-2018 83.7 5267
07-Mar-2018 122.35 118427
06-Mar-2018 130.7 158800
12-Feb-2018 120.9 14718

Phoenix International Ltd (Bse Code:526481)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Phoenix International Ltd (Bse Code:526481) is 9.43. Currently the stock is trading 185.79% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Phoenix International Ltd (Bse Code:526481) is 26.95. Currently the stock is trading 0% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 26.95  Closed at: 26.95  Number of trades 30  Number of shares traded 16252
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 01.89%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 26.95 16252
18-Jun-2018 26.45 14900
07-Mar-2018 18.05 8055
06-Mar-2018 18.15 34878
12-Feb-2018 16 325

Sarup Tanner(Bse Indonext) (Bse Code:514412)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Sarup Tanner(Bse Indonext) (Bse Code:514412) is 45.05. Currently the stock is trading 15.43% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Sarup Tanner(Bse Indonext) (Bse Code:514412) is 98. Currently the stock is trading 46.94% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 45.05  Closed at: 52  Number of trades 6  Number of shares traded 81
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 01.76%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 52 81
18-Jun-2018 51.1 255
07-Mar-2018 65.95 205
06-Mar-2018 66.85 59
12-Feb-2018 73 295

Timex Group (Bse Code: 500414 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Timex Group (Bse Code: 500414 ) is 35.65. Currently the stock is trading 31.28% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Timex Group (Bse Code: 500414 ) is 66.25. Currently the stock is trading 29.36% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 47.50  Closed at: 46.8  Number of trades 69  Number of shares traded 40271
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 01.74%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 46.8 40271
18-Jun-2018 46 17005
07-Mar-2018 45.6 50609
06-Mar-2018 47.8 23897
12-Feb-2018 54.85 46466

Krishna Deep

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Krishna Deep is 50. Currently the stock is trading 1.9% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Krishna Deep is 70.9. Currently the stock is trading 28.14% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 50.00  Closed at: 50.95  Number of trades 13  Number of shares traded 1865
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 01.70%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 50.95 1865
18-Jun-2018 - -
07-Mar-2018 50.85 7142
06-Mar-2018 51.45 8273
12-Feb-2018 55.55 6018

Sambhaav Media Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:511630)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Sambhaav Media Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:511630) is 7.3. Currently the stock is trading 0% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Sambhaav Media Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:511630) is 16.7. Currently the stock is trading 56.29% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 7.70  Closed at: 7.3  Number of trades 9  Number of shares traded 767
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 01.39%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 7.3 767
18-Jun-2018 - -
07-Mar-2018 9.73 6100
06-Mar-2018 10.06 4320
12-Feb-2018 12.02 44040

Scanp Geom (Bse Code:526544)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Scanp Geom (Bse Code:526544) is 18.6. Currently the stock is trading 30.38% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Scanp Geom (Bse Code:526544) is 42.65. Currently the stock is trading 43.14% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 23.20  Closed at: 24.25  Number of trades 26  Number of shares traded 8709
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 00.62%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 24.25 8709
18-Jun-2018 24.1 14884
07-Mar-2018 21.75 54168
06-Mar-2018 22.3 80407
12-Feb-2018 30.25 25141

Vikas Wsp Limited (Bse Code:519307)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Vikas Wsp Limited (Bse Code:519307) is 9.01. Currently the stock is trading 33.63% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Vikas Wsp Limited (Bse Code:519307) is 18.1. Currently the stock is trading 33.48% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 12.10  Closed at: 12.04  Number of trades 149  Number of shares traded 156504
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 00.08%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 12.04 156504
18-Jun-2018 12.03 76690
07-Mar-2018 14.55 285901
06-Mar-2018 15.2 155882
12-Feb-2018 16.4 433651

Hindust Adhe (Bse Code:514428)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Hindust Adhe (Bse Code:514428) is 64. Currently the stock is trading 46.8% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Hindust Adhe (Bse Code:514428) is 150. Currently the stock is trading 37.37% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 91.00  Closed at: 93.95  Number of trades 6  Number of shares traded 270
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 00.05%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 93.95 270
18-Jun-2018 93.9 201
07-Mar-2018 111.9 1020
06-Mar-2018 115.35 646
12-Feb-2018 133.7 3487

Gujarat Apollo Industries Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:522217)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Gujarat Apollo Industries Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:522217) is 170. Currently the stock is trading 17.65% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Gujarat Apollo Industries Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:522217) is 282.4. Currently the stock is trading 29.18% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 198.10  Closed at: 200  Number of trades 32  Number of shares traded 3427
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 00.03%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 200 3427
18-Jun-2018 199.95 7943
07-Mar-2018 215.7 11856
06-Mar-2018 224.1 1510
12-Feb-2018 229.65 1506

Delta Mag (Bse Code: 504286 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Delta Mag (Bse Code: 504286 ) is 36.1. Currently the stock is trading 68.98% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Delta Mag (Bse Code: 504286 ) is 78.95. Currently the stock is trading 22.74% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 60.50  Closed at: 61  Number of trades 19  Number of shares traded 4260
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 00.00%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 61 4260
18-Jun-2018 - -
07-Mar-2018 - -
06-Mar-2018 - -
12-Feb-2018 - -

Fgp Ltd. (Bse Code: 500142 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Fgp Ltd. (Bse Code: 500142 ) is 1.38. Currently the stock is trading 2.9% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Fgp Ltd. (Bse Code: 500142 ) is 1.71. Currently the stock is trading 16.96% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 1.49  Closed at: 1.42  Number of trades 4  Number of shares traded 107
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 00.00%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 1.42 107
18-Jun-2018 - -
07-Mar-2018 - -
06-Mar-2018 - -
12-Feb-2018 - -

Nati. Oxygen (Bse Code: 507813 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Nati. Oxygen (Bse Code: 507813 ) is 26.6. Currently the stock is trading 0% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Nati. Oxygen (Bse Code: 507813 ) is 50.9. Currently the stock is trading 47.74% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 26.60  Closed at: 26.6  Number of trades 1  Number of shares traded 40
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 00.00%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 26.6 40
18-Jun-2018 - -
07-Mar-2018 39.4 156
06-Mar-2018 43 2500
12-Feb-2018 42.4 1942

Natura Hue C (Bse Code:531834)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Natura Hue C (Bse Code:531834) is 1.13. Currently the stock is trading 330.97% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Natura Hue C (Bse Code:531834) is 5.35. Currently the stock is trading 8.97% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 4.87  Closed at: 4.87  Number of trades 1  Number of shares traded 1100
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 00.00%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 4.87 1100
18-Jun-2018 4.87 201
07-Mar-2018 - -
06-Mar-2018 - -
12-Feb-2018 - -


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Company details:

52 Week Low of G.K.Consult. is 2.92. Currently the stock is trading 127.74% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of G.K.Consult. is 7.77. Currently the stock is trading 14.41% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 6.65  Closed at: 6.65  Number of trades 1  Number of shares traded 100
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 00.00%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 6.65 100
18-Jun-2018 6.65 1
07-Mar-2018 - -
06-Mar-2018 - -
12-Feb-2018 7.02 100

Mahan Indust (Bse Code:531515)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Mahan Indust (Bse Code:531515) is .49. Currently the stock is trading 0% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Mahan Indust (Bse Code:531515) is .49. Currently the stock is trading 0% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 0.49  Closed at: .49  Number of trades 1  Number of shares traded 21
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 00.00%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 .49 21
18-Jun-2018 .49 151
07-Mar-2018 - -
06-Mar-2018 - -
12-Feb-2018 - -

Cosco India Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:530545)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Cosco India Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:530545) is 250.05. Currently the stock is trading 1.98% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Cosco India Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:530545) is 442.9. Currently the stock is trading 42.42% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 255.00  Closed at: 255  Number of trades 27  Number of shares traded 652
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 00.00%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 255 652
18-Jun-2018 255 191
07-Mar-2018 333.85 3812
06-Mar-2018 349.55 412
12-Feb-2018 385.8 4844

Sovereign Di (Bse Code:523826)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Sovereign Di (Bse Code:523826) is 6.75. Currently the stock is trading 20% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Sovereign Di (Bse Code:523826) is 16.28. Currently the stock is trading 50.25% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 8.10  Closed at: 8.1  Number of trades 1  Number of shares traded 50
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 00.00%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 8.1 50
18-Jun-2018 8.1 100
07-Mar-2018 - -
06-Mar-2018 11.9 900
12-Feb-2018 - -

Hester Biosciences Ltd (Bse Code:524669)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Hester Biosciences Ltd (Bse Code:524669) is 854.7. Currently the stock is trading 48.59% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Hester Biosciences Ltd (Bse Code:524669) is 1949.8. Currently the stock is trading 34.87% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 1257.00  Closed at: 1270  Number of trades 18  Number of shares traded 52
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 00.00%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 1270 52
18-Jun-2018 1270 110
07-Mar-2018 1701.35 2080
06-Mar-2018 1691.3 2676
12-Feb-2018 1597.05 698

Gayatri Starchkem Ltd. (Bse Code:524564)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Gayatri Starchkem Ltd. (Bse Code:524564) is 5.16. Currently the stock is trading 0% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Gayatri Starchkem Ltd. (Bse Code:524564) is 16.8. Currently the stock is trading 69.29% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 5.16  Closed at: 5.16  Number of trades 1  Number of shares traded 40
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 00.00%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 5.16 40
18-Jun-2018 5.16 30
07-Mar-2018 7.52 25
06-Mar-2018 7.17 990
12-Feb-2018 9.63 1216

Priya Limitd(Bse Indonext) (Bse Code:524580)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Priya Limitd(Bse Indonext) (Bse Code:524580) is 30.25. Currently the stock is trading 43.64% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Priya Limitd(Bse Indonext) (Bse Code:524580) is 97.25. Currently the stock is trading 55.32% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 41.55  Closed at: 43.45  Number of trades 8  Number of shares traded 159
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 00.00%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 43.45 159
18-Jun-2018 43.45 40
07-Mar-2018 48.55 355
06-Mar-2018 49 425
12-Feb-2018 45.45 1005

Guj.Reclaim (Bse Code: 509152 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Guj.Reclaim (Bse Code: 509152 ) is 1160.5. Currently the stock is trading 1.59% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Guj.Reclaim (Bse Code: 509152 ) is 1768. Currently the stock is trading 33.31% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 1161.00  Closed at: 1179  Number of trades 6  Number of shares traded 930
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -00.08%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 1179 930
18-Jun-2018 1180 155
07-Mar-2018 1275 46
06-Mar-2018 1311 268
12-Feb-2018 1388 1

Ador Fontech Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:530431)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Ador Fontech Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:530431) is 93.35. Currently the stock is trading 7.02% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Ador Fontech Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:530431) is 144. Currently the stock is trading 30.63% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 100.00  Closed at: 99.9  Number of trades 65  Number of shares traded 7542
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -00.10%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 99.9 7542
18-Jun-2018 100 20910
07-Mar-2018 112.7 7958
06-Mar-2018 115.65 5090
12-Feb-2018 111.55 24162

Sika Interplant Systems Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:523606)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Sika Interplant Systems Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:523606) is 142.15. Currently the stock is trading 4.01% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Sika Interplant Systems Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:523606) is 244.95. Currently the stock is trading 39.64% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 150.90  Closed at: 147.85  Number of trades 10  Number of shares traded 205
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -00.10%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 147.85 205
18-Jun-2018 148 103
07-Mar-2018 162 1605
06-Mar-2018 163 885
12-Feb-2018 186.1 2961

Jay Ushin Ltd (Bse Code:513252)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Jay Ushin Ltd (Bse Code:513252) is 318.75. Currently the stock is trading 69.41% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Jay Ushin Ltd (Bse Code:513252) is 917.6. Currently the stock is trading 41.15% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 531.00  Closed at: 540  Number of trades 12  Number of shares traded 3050
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -00.18%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 540 3050
18-Jun-2018 541 2616
07-Mar-2018 577.2 703
06-Mar-2018 602 979
12-Feb-2018 789.95 812

Perm Magnets (Bse Code: 504132 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Perm Magnets (Bse Code: 504132 ) is 31.65. Currently the stock is trading 222.91% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Perm Magnets (Bse Code: 504132 ) is 125.35. Currently the stock is trading 18.47% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 104.95  Closed at: 102.2  Number of trades 35  Number of shares traded 1816
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -00.20%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 102.2 1816
18-Jun-2018 102.4 633
07-Mar-2018 90 1258
06-Mar-2018 92 2988
12-Feb-2018 92.25 6890

Keltech En. (Bse Code: 506528 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Keltech En. (Bse Code: 506528 ) is 812.25. Currently the stock is trading 37.69% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Keltech En. (Bse Code: 506528 ) is 1656.4. Currently the stock is trading 32.48% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 1119.00  Closed at: 1118.4  Number of trades 25  Number of shares traded 2121
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -00.27%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 1118.4 2121
18-Jun-2018 1121.45 391
07-Mar-2018 1242.85 1856
06-Mar-2018 1308.25 801
12-Feb-2018 1649 2658

Shalimar Pai (Bse Code: 509874 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Shalimar Pai (Bse Code: 509874 ) is 116.35. Currently the stock is trading 1.42% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Shalimar Pai (Bse Code: 509874 ) is 269. Currently the stock is trading 56.13% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 117.00  Closed at: 118  Number of trades 67  Number of shares traded 2773
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -00.46%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 118 2773
18-Jun-2018 118.55 3545
07-Mar-2018 155.25 8131
06-Mar-2018 162.35 1497
12-Feb-2018 187 3562

Kisan Mouldings Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:530145)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Kisan Mouldings Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:530145) is 89. Currently the stock is trading 90.11% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Kisan Mouldings Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:530145) is 206.9. Currently the stock is trading 18.22% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 174.00  Closed at: 169.2  Number of trades 173  Number of shares traded 9371
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -00.50%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 169.2 9371
18-Jun-2018 170.05 11913
07-Mar-2018 161.3 44623
06-Mar-2018 166.25 68130
12-Feb-2018 199.95 131482

Advanced Micronic Devices Limited (Bse Code:517552)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Advanced Micronic Devices Limited (Bse Code:517552) is 4.88. Currently the stock is trading 50.61% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Advanced Micronic Devices Limited (Bse Code:517552) is 7.79. Currently the stock is trading 5.65% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 7.40  Closed at: 7.35  Number of trades 5  Number of shares traded 114
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -00.68%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 7.35 114
18-Jun-2018 7.4 144
07-Mar-2018 5.99 36
06-Mar-2018 - -
12-Feb-2018 6 100

Kovai Medical Center & Hos Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:523323)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Kovai Medical Center & Hos Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:523323) is 1024. Currently the stock is trading 2.34% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Kovai Medical Center & Hos Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:523323) is 1400. Currently the stock is trading 25.15% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 1059.00  Closed at: 1047.95  Number of trades 49  Number of shares traded 1376
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -00.82%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 1047.95 1376
18-Jun-2018 1056.6 1113
07-Mar-2018 1257.3 2051
06-Mar-2018 1258.2 948
12-Feb-2018 1211.1 1348

3m India Ltd. (Bse Code:523395)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of 3m India Ltd. (Bse Code:523395) is 12960. Currently the stock is trading 48.54% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of 3m India Ltd. (Bse Code:523395) is 22563.95. Currently the stock is trading 14.68% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 19450.00  Closed at: 19251.2  Number of trades 24  Number of shares traded 38
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -00.87%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 19251.2 38
18-Jun-2018 19420.25 14
07-Mar-2018 20453.65 137
06-Mar-2018 20703.9 181
12-Feb-2018 21698.75 3071

Greenply Industries Ltd. (Bse Code:526797)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Greenply Industries Ltd. (Bse Code:526797) is 244. Currently the stock is trading .35% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Greenply Industries Ltd. (Bse Code:526797) is 401.05. Currently the stock is trading 38.95% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 247.45  Closed at: 244.85  Number of trades 20  Number of shares traded 487
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -00.89%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 244.85 487
18-Jun-2018 247.05 733
07-Mar-2018 329.4 1298
06-Mar-2018 335.45 963
12-Feb-2018 367.95 1790

Mmtc Ltd. (Bse Code:513377)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Mmtc Ltd. (Bse Code:513377) is 36.7. Currently the stock is trading 4.36% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Mmtc Ltd. (Bse Code:513377) is 77.25. Currently the stock is trading 50.42% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 38.20  Closed at: 38.3  Number of trades 1948  Number of shares traded 443134
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -00.91%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 38.3 443134
18-Jun-2018 38.65 860362
07-Mar-2018 46.6 258577
06-Mar-2018 49.3 244506
12-Feb-2018 58.6 405991

Arih Super

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Arih Super is 114. Currently the stock is trading 1.49% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Arih Super is 197.35. Currently the stock is trading 41.37% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 117.00  Closed at: 115.7  Number of trades 62  Number of shares traded 15444
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -00.94%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 115.7 15444
18-Jun-2018 116.8 17168
07-Mar-2018 127.45 111894
06-Mar-2018 122.3 87063
12-Feb-2018 150.95 29662

Anjani Portland Cements Ltd (Bse Code:518091)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Anjani Portland Cements Ltd (Bse Code:518091) is 164.35. Currently the stock is trading .4% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Anjani Portland Cements Ltd (Bse Code:518091) is 269. Currently the stock is trading 38.66% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 165.00  Closed at: 165  Number of trades 2  Number of shares traded 95
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -00.99%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 165 95
18-Jun-2018 166.65 28
07-Mar-2018 182 548
06-Mar-2018 182.5 2346
12-Feb-2018 216.55 2338

Vatech Waba

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Vatech Waba is 408.7. Currently the stock is trading .89% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Vatech Waba is 749. Currently the stock is trading 44.95% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 414.90  Closed at: 412.35  Number of trades 312  Number of shares traded 6655
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.01%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 412.35 6655
18-Jun-2018 416.55 5710
07-Mar-2018 477.6 57286
06-Mar-2018 521.6 39703
12-Feb-2018 562.4 16095

Delta Corp Ltd (Bse Code:532848)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Delta Corp Ltd (Bse Code:532848) is 148.8. Currently the stock is trading 61.32% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Delta Corp Ltd (Bse Code:532848) is 375.95. Currently the stock is trading 36.15% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 240.75  Closed at: 240.05  Number of trades 2671  Number of shares traded 308569
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.03%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 240.05 308569
18-Jun-2018 242.55 269627
07-Mar-2018 316 454355
06-Mar-2018 328.2 512805
12-Feb-2018 362.85 427491

Poddar Pigments Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:524570)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Poddar Pigments Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:524570) is 247. Currently the stock is trading 4.03% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Poddar Pigments Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:524570) is 355. Currently the stock is trading 27.62% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 251.00  Closed at: 256.95  Number of trades 14  Number of shares traded 362
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.1%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 256.95 362
18-Jun-2018 259.8 1216
07-Mar-2018 272.6 1785
06-Mar-2018 285.2 2075
12-Feb-2018 299.25 2146

Mangalam Timber Products Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:516007)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Mangalam Timber Products Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:516007) is 25.6. Currently the stock is trading 2.54% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Mangalam Timber Products Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:516007) is 49. Currently the stock is trading 46.43% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 26.35  Closed at: 26.25  Number of trades 24  Number of shares traded 4755
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.13%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 26.25 4755
18-Jun-2018 26.55 3167
07-Mar-2018 29 4286
06-Mar-2018 30.45 9987
12-Feb-2018 34.85 8410

Voith Paper Fabrics India Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:522122)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Voith Paper Fabrics India Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:522122) is 665.1. Currently the stock is trading 17.28% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Voith Paper Fabrics India Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:522122) is 1001.7. Currently the stock is trading 22.13% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 792.00  Closed at: 780  Number of trades 86  Number of shares traded 1794
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.14%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 780 1794
18-Jun-2018 789 381
07-Mar-2018 759.75 1082
06-Mar-2018 784.75 621
12-Feb-2018 823.05 205

Acrysil Ltd. (Bse Code:524091)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Acrysil Ltd. (Bse Code:524091) is 440. Currently the stock is trading 11.99% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Acrysil Ltd. (Bse Code:524091) is 665. Currently the stock is trading 25.9% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 497.50  Closed at: 492.75  Number of trades 54  Number of shares traded 1686
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.15%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 492.75 1686
18-Jun-2018 498.5 1571
07-Mar-2018 519.9 18703
06-Mar-2018 530.15 1351
12-Feb-2018 572.4 895

Century Plyboards India Ltd (Bse Code:532548)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Century Plyboards India Ltd (Bse Code:532548) is 235.45. Currently the stock is trading 10.55% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Century Plyboards India Ltd (Bse Code:532548) is 363. Currently the stock is trading 28.29% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 262.75  Closed at: 260.3  Number of trades 126  Number of shares traded 4124
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.18%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 260.3 4124
18-Jun-2018 263.4 5789
07-Mar-2018 321.2 11979
06-Mar-2018 327.6 31818
12-Feb-2018 328.75 16519

Indus.&Prud. (Bse Code: 501298 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Indus.&Prud. (Bse Code: 501298 ) is 1180.05. Currently the stock is trading 3.59% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Indus.&Prud. (Bse Code: 501298 ) is 1499. Currently the stock is trading 18.45% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 1180.05  Closed at: 1222.4  Number of trades 10  Number of shares traded 67
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.21%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 1222.4 67
18-Jun-2018 1237.4 65
07-Mar-2018 1208.5 165
06-Mar-2018 1218.1 24
12-Feb-2018 1300 1270

Plastiblend India Ltd. (Bse Code:523648)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Plastiblend India Ltd. (Bse Code:523648) is 194.25. Currently the stock is trading 8.11% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Plastiblend India Ltd. (Bse Code:523648) is 631. Currently the stock is trading 66.72% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 210.50  Closed at: 210  Number of trades 12  Number of shares traded 781
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.25%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 210 781
18-Jun-2018 212.65 406
07-Mar-2018 195.3 1520
06-Mar-2018 203.35 765
12-Feb-2018 210.2 9336

Biopac India Corporation Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:532330)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Biopac India Corporation Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:532330) is 14.71. Currently the stock is trading 5.17% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Biopac India Corporation Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:532330) is 45.45. Currently the stock is trading 65.96% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 14.71  Closed at: 15.47  Number of trades 15  Number of shares traded 1306
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.34%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 15.47 1306
18-Jun-2018 15.68 11434
07-Mar-2018 26.25 12720
06-Mar-2018 27.6 4775
12-Feb-2018 31.5 9677

Gillanders Arbuthnot & Company Ltd (Bse Code:532716)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Gillanders Arbuthnot & Company Ltd (Bse Code:532716) is 57.1. Currently the stock is trading .88% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Gillanders Arbuthnot & Company Ltd (Bse Code:532716) is 87.35. Currently the stock is trading 34.06% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 57.55  Closed at: 57.6  Number of trades 8  Number of shares traded 786
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.37%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 57.6 786
18-Jun-2018 - -
07-Mar-2018 68.75 2998
06-Mar-2018 70.2 1767
12-Feb-2018 76.6 2835

Simran Farms (Bse Code:519566)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Simran Farms (Bse Code:519566) is 44. Currently the stock is trading 61.36% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Simran Farms (Bse Code:519566) is 184.25. Currently the stock is trading 61.47% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 72.00  Closed at: 71  Number of trades 16  Number of shares traded 990
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.39%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 71 990
18-Jun-2018 72 505
07-Mar-2018 144.45 10501
06-Mar-2018 152.05 13971
12-Feb-2018 151.2 3455

Neha International Ltd. (Bse Code:519560)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Neha International Ltd. (Bse Code:519560) is 5.22. Currently the stock is trading 3.83% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Neha International Ltd. (Bse Code:519560) is 12.9. Currently the stock is trading 57.98% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 5.22  Closed at: 5.42  Number of trades 29  Number of shares traded 10063
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.45%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 5.42 10063
18-Jun-2018 5.5 9355
07-Mar-2018 6.72 14646
06-Mar-2018 7.27 24667
12-Feb-2018 8.15 29562

Chaman Lal Setia Exports Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:530307)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Chaman Lal Setia Exports Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:530307) is 83.1. Currently the stock is trading 42.42% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Chaman Lal Setia Exports Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:530307) is 211. Currently the stock is trading 43.91% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 120.00  Closed at: 118.35  Number of trades 144  Number of shares traded 20167
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.46%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 118.35 20167
18-Jun-2018 120.1 13313
07-Mar-2018 143.6 81668
06-Mar-2018 146.2 119055
12-Feb-2018 168.85 40042

Elnet Technologies Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:517477)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Elnet Technologies Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:517477) is 113. Currently the stock is trading 9.07% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Elnet Technologies Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:517477) is 196. Currently the stock is trading 37.12% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 123.80  Closed at: 123.25  Number of trades 12  Number of shares traded 2866
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.6%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 123.25 2866
18-Jun-2018 125.25 3286
07-Mar-2018 149.7 3717
06-Mar-2018 154 1106
12-Feb-2018 174.55 9317

Grandma Trad

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Grandma Trad is 3.41. Currently the stock is trading 0% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Grandma Trad is 7.28. Currently the stock is trading 53.16% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 3.41  Closed at: 3.41  Number of trades 1  Number of shares traded 20
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.73%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 3.41 20
18-Jun-2018 - -
07-Mar-2018 - -
06-Mar-2018 - -
12-Feb-2018 4.85 20

Patel Integrated Logistics Ltd (Bse Code:526381)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Patel Integrated Logistics Ltd (Bse Code:526381) is 56.8. Currently the stock is trading .09% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Patel Integrated Logistics Ltd (Bse Code:526381) is 98. Currently the stock is trading 41.99% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 59.00  Closed at: 56.85  Number of trades 41  Number of shares traded 3361
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.73%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 56.85 3361
18-Jun-2018 57.85 1054
07-Mar-2018 62 6633
06-Mar-2018 64.3 3105
12-Feb-2018 70.4 18036

Pana Energ (Bse Code: 504093 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Pana Energ (Bse Code: 504093 ) is 236. Currently the stock is trading 28.37% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Pana Energ (Bse Code: 504093 ) is 398.95. Currently the stock is trading 24.06% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 308.00  Closed at: 302.95  Number of trades 45  Number of shares traded 1953
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.78%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 302.95 1953
18-Jun-2018 308.45 6673
07-Mar-2018 369.65 6425
06-Mar-2018 387.6 54090
12-Feb-2018 315.55 1336


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Company details:

52 Week Low of Confidence is .64. Currently the stock is trading 320.31% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Confidence is 5.3. Currently the stock is trading 49.25% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 2.69  Closed at: 2.69  Number of trades 1  Number of shares traded 5
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.82%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 2.69 5
18-Jun-2018 - -
07-Mar-2018 4.37 100
06-Mar-2018 4.45 25
12-Feb-2018 5.3 101


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Company details:

52 Week Low of Sundarammul is 2.1. Currently the stock is trading 1.9% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Sundarammul is 6.5. Currently the stock is trading 67.08% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 2.15  Closed at: 2.14  Number of trades 87  Number of shares traded 302151
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.83%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 2.14 302151
18-Jun-2018 2.18 56940
07-Mar-2018 3.24 207431
06-Mar-2018 3.39 121187
12-Feb-2018 4.13 715590

Chandrik Tra (Bse Code:512624)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Chandrik Tra (Bse Code:512624) is 2.71. Currently the stock is trading 77.49% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Chandrik Tra (Bse Code:512624) is 8.44. Currently the stock is trading 43.01% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 4.85  Closed at: 4.81  Number of trades 3  Number of shares traded 101
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.84%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 4.81 101
18-Jun-2018 4.9 454
07-Mar-2018 4.94 2462
06-Mar-2018 5.2 388
12-Feb-2018 5.25 14946

Polson Ltd.

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Polson Ltd. is 10952.2. Currently the stock is trading 17.78% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Polson Ltd. is 24817.55. Currently the stock is trading 48.02% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 13000.10  Closed at: 12899  Number of trades 16  Number of shares traded 40
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.91%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 12899 40
18-Jun-2018 13150 5
07-Mar-2018 15414.4 36
06-Mar-2018 15728.95 128
12-Feb-2018 19553.6 335

State Trading Corporation Of India Ltd. (Bse Code:512531)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of State Trading Corporation Of India Ltd. (Bse Code:512531) is 143.6. Currently the stock is trading 5.75% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of State Trading Corporation Of India Ltd. (Bse Code:512531) is 198. Currently the stock is trading 23.31% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 153.45  Closed at: 151.85  Number of trades 1064  Number of shares traded 45562
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.97%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 151.85 45562
18-Jun-2018 154.9 124337
07-Mar-2018 144.8 11125
06-Mar-2018 151.1 6530
12-Feb-2018 159.9 11583

Kapashi Comm

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Kapashi Comm is 45. Currently the stock is trading 88.11% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Kapashi Comm is 91.4. Currently the stock is trading 7.39% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 84.65  Closed at: 84.65  Number of trades 1  Number of shares traded 10
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.97%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 84.65 10
18-Jun-2018 - -
07-Mar-2018 - -
06-Mar-2018 91.4 100
12-Feb-2018 - -

Cressanda Solutions Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:512379)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Cressanda Solutions Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:512379) is 2.45. Currently the stock is trading .41% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Cressanda Solutions Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:512379) is 2.71. Currently the stock is trading 9.23% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 2.52  Closed at: 2.46  Number of trades 17  Number of shares traded 6165
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.99%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 2.46 6165
18-Jun-2018 2.51 35483
07-Mar-2018 - -
06-Mar-2018 - -
12-Feb-2018 - -

Jubl Food (Bse Code: 533155 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Jubl Food (Bse Code: 533155 ) is 913.15. Currently the stock is trading 201.43% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Jubl Food (Bse Code: 533155 ) is 2815. Currently the stock is trading 2.22% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 2806.90  Closed at: 2752.55  Number of trades 1850  Number of shares traded 110555
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 2752.55 110555
18-Jun-2018 2808.85 44718
07-Mar-2018 1978.85 44430
06-Mar-2018 1985.95 49745
12-Feb-2018 2027.5 78177

Sanghvi Movers Limited (Bse Code:530073)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Sanghvi Movers Limited (Bse Code:530073) is 130. Currently the stock is trading 44.85% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Sanghvi Movers Limited (Bse Code:530073) is 254.2. Currently the stock is trading 25.92% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 189.70  Closed at: 188.3  Number of trades 21  Number of shares traded 380
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 188.3 380
18-Jun-2018 192.15 2351
07-Mar-2018 169.6 3620
06-Mar-2018 174.15 4761
12-Feb-2018 178.6 13914

Vikram Thermo (India) Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:530477)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Vikram Thermo (India) Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:530477) is 81. Currently the stock is trading 7.41% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Vikram Thermo (India) Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:530477) is 139. Currently the stock is trading 37.41% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 84.00  Closed at: 87  Number of trades 17  Number of shares traded 436
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.03%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 87 436
18-Jun-2018 88.8 46
07-Mar-2018 108.25 5200
06-Mar-2018 110.5 1417
12-Feb-2018 114 704

Waterbase Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:523660)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Waterbase Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:523660) is 84.35. Currently the stock is trading 123% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Waterbase Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:523660) is 417.5. Currently the stock is trading 54.95% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 189.90  Closed at: 188.1  Number of trades 1575  Number of shares traded 170084
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.06%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 188.1 170084
18-Jun-2018 192.05 62795
07-Mar-2018 276.75 246722
06-Mar-2018 297.45 102349
12-Feb-2018 332.2 854390

Sspdl Ltd (Bse Code:530821)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Sspdl Ltd (Bse Code:530821) is 40.05. Currently the stock is trading .37% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Sspdl Ltd (Bse Code:530821) is 107. Currently the stock is trading 62.43% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 44.00  Closed at: 40.2  Number of trades 9  Number of shares traded 2202
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.07%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 40.2 2202
18-Jun-2018 41.05 1113
07-Mar-2018 60 689
06-Mar-2018 59 290
12-Feb-2018 63.95 7070

Asher Capita (Bse Code:512247)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Asher Capita (Bse Code:512247) is 2.25. Currently the stock is trading 25.78% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Asher Capita (Bse Code:512247) is 5.8. Currently the stock is trading 51.21% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 2.85  Closed at: 2.83  Number of trades 112  Number of shares traded 185916
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.08%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 2.83 185916
18-Jun-2018 2.89 85156
07-Mar-2018 2.97 22991
06-Mar-2018 2.96 44018
12-Feb-2018 2.76 18513

Bartronics India Limited (Bse Code:532694)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Bartronics India Limited (Bse Code:532694) is 10.31. Currently the stock is trading .58% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Bartronics India Limited (Bse Code:532694) is 17.5. Currently the stock is trading 40.74% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 10.95  Closed at: 10.37  Number of trades 37  Number of shares traded 14000
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.08%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 10.37 14000
18-Jun-2018 10.59 19277
07-Mar-2018 12.49 14442
06-Mar-2018 12.84 11715
12-Feb-2018 13.77 9656

Indo Asian Fusegear Ltd. (Bse Code:532658)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Indo Asian Fusegear Ltd. (Bse Code:532658) is 54.3. Currently the stock is trading 3.13% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Indo Asian Fusegear Ltd. (Bse Code:532658) is 134.45. Currently the stock is trading 58.35% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 55.00  Closed at: 56  Number of trades 28  Number of shares traded 1989
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.1%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 56 1989
18-Jun-2018 57.2 4084
07-Mar-2018 88.5 4768
06-Mar-2018 91.05 803
12-Feb-2018 104.85 3418

Mt Educare

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Mt Educare is 51. Currently the stock is trading 0% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Mt Educare is 79.7. Currently the stock is trading 36.01% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 52.20  Closed at: 51  Number of trades 5  Number of shares traded 753
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.11%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 51 753
18-Jun-2018 52.1 684
07-Mar-2018 69.7 27693
06-Mar-2018 70.15 9517
12-Feb-2018 66.8 3945

Garware Wall (Bse Code: 509557 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Garware Wall (Bse Code: 509557 ) is 806.1. Currently the stock is trading 22.95% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Garware Wall (Bse Code: 509557 ) is 1070.45. Currently the stock is trading 7.41% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 1011.00  Closed at: 991.1  Number of trades 153  Number of shares traded 1417
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.21%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 991.1 1417
18-Jun-2018 1013.55 473
07-Mar-2018 920.65 1457
06-Mar-2018 914.95 1090
12-Feb-2018 993.1 1093

Modison Met. (Bse Code: 506261 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Modison Met. (Bse Code: 506261 ) is 52.7. Currently the stock is trading 9.96% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Modison Met. (Bse Code: 506261 ) is 92.5. Currently the stock is trading 37.35% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 58.55  Closed at: 57.95  Number of trades 52  Number of shares traded 4045
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.28%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 57.95 4045
18-Jun-2018 59.3 2236
07-Mar-2018 62 31648
06-Mar-2018 62.1 29351
12-Feb-2018 74.2 43925

Mcx Ltd

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Mcx Ltd is 705. Currently the stock is trading 9.99% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Mcx Ltd is 1159.9. Currently the stock is trading 33.15% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 791.00  Closed at: 775.45  Number of trades 1232  Number of shares traded 36998
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.31%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 775.45 36998
18-Jun-2018 793.8 38249
07-Mar-2018 743.25 32665
06-Mar-2018 762.05 27369
12-Feb-2018 741.05 43333

Goa Carbon (Bse Code: 509567 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Goa Carbon (Bse Code: 509567 ) is 208.35. Currently the stock is trading 216.41% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Goa Carbon (Bse Code: 509567 ) is 1211.95. Currently the stock is trading 45.6% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 670.00  Closed at: 659.25  Number of trades 709  Number of shares traded 14719
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.32%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 659.25 14719
18-Jun-2018 674.9 5541
07-Mar-2018 881.05 29692
06-Mar-2018 919.65 22292
12-Feb-2018 957.45 5613

Networth Stock Broking Ltd. (Bse Code:511551)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Networth Stock Broking Ltd. (Bse Code:511551) is 49.3. Currently the stock is trading .91% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Networth Stock Broking Ltd. (Bse Code:511551) is 94.8. Currently the stock is trading 47.52% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 52.40  Closed at: 49.75  Number of trades 49  Number of shares traded 6613
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.36%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 49.75 6613
18-Jun-2018 50.95 6998
07-Mar-2018 66.9 18698
06-Mar-2018 69.65 5443
12-Feb-2018 79.05 30915

T&I Global L (Bse Code:522294)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of T&I Global L (Bse Code:522294) is 41.3. Currently the stock is trading 64.41% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of T&I Global L (Bse Code:522294) is 102.9. Currently the stock is trading 34.01% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 64.00  Closed at: 67.9  Number of trades 6  Number of shares traded 16
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.37%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 67.9 16
18-Jun-2018 69.55 5
07-Mar-2018 77.5 7545
06-Mar-2018 78 13964
12-Feb-2018 95.25 29141

Career Point

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Career Point is 85.2. Currently the stock is trading 13.85% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Career Point is 167. Currently the stock is trading 41.92% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 98.55  Closed at: 97  Number of trades 33  Number of shares traded 1300
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.37%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 97 1300
18-Jun-2018 99.35 1372
07-Mar-2018 115.8 10119
06-Mar-2018 121.05 3476
12-Feb-2018 127.7 68982

Hawkins Cook (Bse Code: 508486 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Hawkins Cook (Bse Code: 508486 ) is 2604.95. Currently the stock is trading 5.35% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Hawkins Cook (Bse Code: 508486 ) is 3244.95. Currently the stock is trading 15.43% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 2800.10  Closed at: 2744.2  Number of trades 406  Number of shares traded 3185
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.48%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 2744.2 3185
18-Jun-2018 2813.9 579
07-Mar-2018 2800.05 377
06-Mar-2018 2825.8 295
12-Feb-2018 2909.8 657

Monotype Ind

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Monotype Ind is .35. Currently the stock is trading 0% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Monotype Ind is 22.55. Currently the stock is trading 98.45% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 0.35  Closed at: .35  Number of trades 19  Number of shares traded 36488
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.78%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 .35 36488
18-Jun-2018 .36 19589
07-Mar-2018 2.2 500000
06-Mar-2018 2.2 176200
12-Feb-2018 3.15 8155

Archies Limited (Bse Code:532212)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Archies Limited (Bse Code:532212) is 27.1. Currently the stock is trading 8.86% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Archies Limited (Bse Code:532212) is 52.95. Currently the stock is trading 44.29% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 29.00  Closed at: 29.5  Number of trades 39  Number of shares traded 3026
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.8%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 29.5 3026
18-Jun-2018 30.35 3085
07-Mar-2018 33.9 53615
06-Mar-2018 35.6 22039
12-Feb-2018 41.5 31049

Zee Learn

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Zee Learn is 36.2. Currently the stock is trading .28% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Zee Learn is 48. Currently the stock is trading 24.38% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 36.95  Closed at: 36.3  Number of trades 143  Number of shares traded 19221
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.81%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 36.3 19221
18-Jun-2018 37.35 36078
07-Mar-2018 37.85 92288
06-Mar-2018 39.1 45794
12-Feb-2018 44.3 54888

Swasti Vinayaka Gems Corporation (Nda) (Bse Code:512257)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Swasti Vinayaka Gems Corporation (Nda) (Bse Code:512257) is 3.76. Currently the stock is trading 27.13% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Swasti Vinayaka Gems Corporation (Nda) (Bse Code:512257) is 9.99. Currently the stock is trading 52.15% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 4.48  Closed at: 4.78  Number of trades 64  Number of shares traded 13476
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.85%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 4.78 13476
18-Jun-2018 4.92 10092
07-Mar-2018 5.17 61411
06-Mar-2018 5.16 66221
12-Feb-2018 7.03 66992

Indian Toners & Developers Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:523586)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Indian Toners & Developers Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:523586) is 195. Currently the stock is trading .26% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Indian Toners & Developers Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:523586) is 333. Currently the stock is trading 41.29% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 201.95  Closed at: 195.5  Number of trades 78  Number of shares traded 4478
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.95%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 195.5 4478
18-Jun-2018 201.45 1362
07-Mar-2018 230.8 17806
06-Mar-2018 247.3 6238
12-Feb-2018 293.6 7125

Kothari Products Ltd. (Bse Code:530299)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Kothari Products Ltd. (Bse Code:530299) is 127.45. Currently the stock is trading 3.92% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Kothari Products Ltd. (Bse Code:530299) is 246.4. Currently the stock is trading 46.25% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 132.45  Closed at: 132.45  Number of trades 34  Number of shares traded 384
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.97%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 132.45 384
18-Jun-2018 136.5 3079
07-Mar-2018 151.2 6705
06-Mar-2018 158.8 5322
12-Feb-2018 209.15 4046

Adani Enterprises Ltd. (Bse Code:512599)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Adani Enterprises Ltd. (Bse Code:512599) is 107. Currently the stock is trading 21.59% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Adani Enterprises Ltd. (Bse Code:512599) is 220.5. Currently the stock is trading 41% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 132.90  Closed at: 130.1  Number of trades 1931  Number of shares traded 434009
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -3.02%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 130.1 434009
18-Jun-2018 134.15 583951
07-Mar-2018 172.4 1791724
06-Mar-2018 185.85 786863
12-Feb-2018 217.25 622090

Control Print India Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:522295)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Control Print India Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:522295) is 312.6. Currently the stock is trading 24.66% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Control Print India Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:522295) is 520.6. Currently the stock is trading 25.14% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 389.05  Closed at: 389.7  Number of trades 64  Number of shares traded 957
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -3.05%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 389.7 957
18-Jun-2018 401.95 180
07-Mar-2018 439.2 1166
06-Mar-2018 465 5565
12-Feb-2018 458.1 3279

Orient.Carb. (Bse Code: 506579 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Orient.Carb. (Bse Code: 506579 ) is 925.5. Currently the stock is trading 9.96% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Orient.Carb. (Bse Code: 506579 ) is 1589. Currently the stock is trading 35.96% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 1045.00  Closed at: 1017.65  Number of trades 64  Number of shares traded 446
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -3.25%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 1017.65 446
18-Jun-2018 1051.8 50397
07-Mar-2018 1113.1 2804
06-Mar-2018 1164.4 841
12-Feb-2018 1259.55 1191

Vikas Granaries Limited (Bse Code:531518)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Vikas Granaries Limited (Bse Code:531518) is 4.32. Currently the stock is trading 110.42% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Vikas Granaries Limited (Bse Code:531518) is 12.36. Currently the stock is trading 26.46% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 9.50  Closed at: 9.09  Number of trades 24  Number of shares traded 26880
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -3.3%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 9.09 26880
18-Jun-2018 9.4 30615
07-Mar-2018 12.12 8342
06-Mar-2018 12.36 25890
12-Feb-2018 7.5 31896

Jindal Worldwide Ltd. (Bse Code:531543)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Jindal Worldwide Ltd. (Bse Code:531543) is 507. Currently the stock is trading 5.64% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Jindal Worldwide Ltd. (Bse Code:531543) is 1242.7. Currently the stock is trading 56.9% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 564.95  Closed at: 535.6  Number of trades 152  Number of shares traded 21405
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -3.3%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 535.6 21405
18-Jun-2018 553.9 57477
07-Mar-2018 605.45 36177
06-Mar-2018 594.15 28268
12-Feb-2018 619.3 24667

Dredging Corporation Of India Ltd. (Bse Code:523618)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Dredging Corporation Of India Ltd. (Bse Code:523618) is 525.6. Currently the stock is trading 4.12% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Dredging Corporation Of India Ltd. (Bse Code:523618) is 920. Currently the stock is trading 40.52% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 561.20  Closed at: 547.25  Number of trades 1516  Number of shares traded 33897
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -3.36%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 547.25 33897
18-Jun-2018 566.3 41742
07-Mar-2018 664.8 34849
06-Mar-2018 678.85 64241
12-Feb-2018 713.75 50689

Refex Refrigerants Ltd (Bse Code:532884)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Refex Refrigerants Ltd (Bse Code:532884) is 12.6. Currently the stock is trading 3.57% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Refex Refrigerants Ltd (Bse Code:532884) is 25. Currently the stock is trading 47.8% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 14.15  Closed at: 13.05  Number of trades 31  Number of shares traded 10249
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -3.48%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 13.05 10249
18-Jun-2018 13.52 4465
07-Mar-2018 15.9 12318
06-Mar-2018 16.3 7327
12-Feb-2018 18.5 8306

Chennai Meenakshi Multispeciality H(Nda) (Bse Code:523489)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Chennai Meenakshi Multispeciality H(Nda) (Bse Code:523489) is 11. Currently the stock is trading 61.36% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Chennai Meenakshi Multispeciality H(Nda) (Bse Code:523489) is 31.7. Currently the stock is trading 44.01% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 18.50  Closed at: 17.75  Number of trades 5  Number of shares traded 750
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -3.53%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 17.75 750
18-Jun-2018 18.4 1001
07-Mar-2018 23.05 200
06-Mar-2018 23.5 4050
12-Feb-2018 30.75 18305

Lahoti Overseas Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:531842)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Lahoti Overseas Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:531842) is 16. Currently the stock is trading 0% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Lahoti Overseas Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:531842) is 30.1. Currently the stock is trading 46.84% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 17.20  Closed at: 16  Number of trades 20  Number of shares traded 3939
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -3.61%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 16 3939
18-Jun-2018 16.6 5175
07-Mar-2018 20.6 8416
06-Mar-2018 21.5 2861
12-Feb-2018 24.3 16223

Eastern Tred (Bse Code:531346)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Eastern Tred (Bse Code:531346) is 75. Currently the stock is trading 6.8% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Eastern Tred (Bse Code:531346) is 115. Currently the stock is trading 30.35% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 80.00  Closed at: 80.1  Number of trades 14  Number of shares traded 1107
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -3.61%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 80.1 1107
18-Jun-2018 83.1 2759
07-Mar-2018 88.75 881
06-Mar-2018 92.85 244
12-Feb-2018 97.25 19707

Dhoot Indus. (Bse Code:526971)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Dhoot Indus. (Bse Code:526971) is 35.5. Currently the stock is trading 45.35% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Dhoot Indus. (Bse Code:526971) is 97.05. Currently the stock is trading 46.83% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 53.05  Closed at: 51.6  Number of trades 26  Number of shares traded 1709
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -3.64%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 51.6 1709
18-Jun-2018 53.55 996
07-Mar-2018 65.45 3508
06-Mar-2018 67.2 8115
12-Feb-2018 67.4 1126

Lgb Forge Limited (Bse Code:533007)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Lgb Forge Limited (Bse Code:533007) is 1.83. Currently the stock is trading .55% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Lgb Forge Limited (Bse Code:533007) is 3.79. Currently the stock is trading 51.45% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 1.83  Closed at: 1.84  Number of trades 6  Number of shares traded 3585
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -3.66%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 1.84 3585
18-Jun-2018 1.91 220
07-Mar-2018 - -
06-Mar-2018 - -
12-Feb-2018 3.79 3700

Asian Star Company Ltd. (Bse Code:531847)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Asian Star Company Ltd. (Bse Code:531847) is 620. Currently the stock is trading 60.81% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Asian Star Company Ltd. (Bse Code:531847) is 1572.35. Currently the stock is trading 36.59% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 1030.00  Closed at: 997  Number of trades 16  Number of shares traded 24
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -3.67%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 997 24
18-Jun-2018 - -
07-Mar-2018 - -
06-Mar-2018 1264 2
12-Feb-2018 1537.35 21

Banaras Bead

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Banaras Bead is 48.05. Currently the stock is trading 2.6% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Banaras Bead is 108. Currently the stock is trading 54.35% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 48.05  Closed at: 49.3  Number of trades 6  Number of shares traded 26
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -3.71%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 49.3 26
18-Jun-2018 51.2 57
07-Mar-2018 60.3 250
06-Mar-2018 - -
12-Feb-2018 68 820

Rubfila Int. (Bse Code: 500367 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Rubfila Int. (Bse Code: 500367 ) is 63.05. Currently the stock is trading 1.27% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Rubfila Int. (Bse Code: 500367 ) is 100. Currently the stock is trading 36.15% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 66.00  Closed at: 63.85  Number of trades 82  Number of shares traded 12550
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -3.91%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 63.85 12550
18-Jun-2018 66.45 11610
07-Mar-2018 76 52072
06-Mar-2018 77.2 22244
12-Feb-2018 78.65 16984

La Opala Rg Limited (Bse Code:526947)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of La Opala Rg Limited (Bse Code:526947) is 245.3. Currently the stock is trading 2.1% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of La Opala Rg Limited (Bse Code:526947) is 690. Currently the stock is trading 63.7% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 255.85  Closed at: 250.45  Number of trades 52  Number of shares traded 581
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.02%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 250.45 581
18-Jun-2018 260.95 1161
07-Mar-2018 637.55 3991
06-Mar-2018 640.2 2353
12-Feb-2018 617.15 1472

Dr.Agar.Eye (Bse Code: 526783 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Dr.Agar.Eye (Bse Code: 526783 ) is 285.25. Currently the stock is trading 76.49% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Dr.Agar.Eye (Bse Code: 526783 ) is 831. Currently the stock is trading 39.42% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 510.00  Closed at: 503.45  Number of trades 4  Number of shares traded 505
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.1%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 503.45 505
18-Jun-2018 525 3064
07-Mar-2018 600 436
06-Mar-2018 629.95 8
12-Feb-2018 649.85 800

Sha Eng Pla

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Sha Eng Pla is 550.05. Currently the stock is trading 124.94% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Sha Eng Pla is 1334.9. Currently the stock is trading 7.31% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 1309.00  Closed at: 1237.3  Number of trades 82  Number of shares traded 1118
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.14%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 1237.3 1118
18-Jun-2018 1290.8 1349
07-Mar-2018 1162.5 1170
06-Mar-2018 1177.55 831
12-Feb-2018 1151.15 1947

Corpor Cour

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Corpor Cour is 10.32. Currently the stock is trading 151.45% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Corpor Cour is 28.95. Currently the stock is trading 10.36% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 26.15  Closed at: 25.95  Number of trades 43  Number of shares traded 10372
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.42%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 25.95 10372
18-Jun-2018 27.15 4390
07-Mar-2018 19.8 4717
06-Mar-2018 20.6 1200
12-Feb-2018 20 3912

Pokarna Ltd (Bse Code:532486)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Pokarna Ltd (Bse Code:532486) is 160.25. Currently the stock is trading 1.03% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Pokarna Ltd (Bse Code:532486) is 1425. Currently the stock is trading 88.64% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 170.05  Closed at: 161.9  Number of trades 273  Number of shares traded 5354
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.43%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 161.9 5354
18-Jun-2018 169.4 14939
07-Mar-2018 196.35 4473
06-Mar-2018 202.6 8315
12-Feb-2018 214.95 3242

Shivalik Bimetal Controls Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:513097)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Shivalik Bimetal Controls Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:513097) is 61.65. Currently the stock is trading 75.1% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Shivalik Bimetal Controls Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:513097) is 143.85. Currently the stock is trading 24.96% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 111.05  Closed at: 107.95  Number of trades 179  Number of shares traded 19712
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.47%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 107.95 19712
18-Jun-2018 113 2953
07-Mar-2018 134.5 66035
06-Mar-2018 137 125791
12-Feb-2018 99.2 28106

Manaksia Limited (Bse Code:532932)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Manaksia Limited (Bse Code:532932) is 52.6. Currently the stock is trading 3.33% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Manaksia Limited (Bse Code:532932) is 84.9. Currently the stock is trading 35.98% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 55.80  Closed at: 54.35  Number of trades 38  Number of shares traded 4762
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.48%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 54.35 4762
18-Jun-2018 56.9 1425
07-Mar-2018 53.85 10480
06-Mar-2018 54.3 10870
12-Feb-2018 63.1 22806

Ok Play India Ltd (Bse Code:526415)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Ok Play India Ltd (Bse Code:526415) is 64.4. Currently the stock is trading .47% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Ok Play India Ltd (Bse Code:526415) is 203.5. Currently the stock is trading 68.21% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 67.00  Closed at: 64.7  Number of trades 62  Number of shares traded 5267
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.5%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 64.7 5267
18-Jun-2018 67.75 18919
07-Mar-2018 97.5 11391
06-Mar-2018 100.65 66014
12-Feb-2018 111.6 18959

Panoramic Universal Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:531816)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Panoramic Universal Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:531816) is 4.99. Currently the stock is trading .4% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Panoramic Universal Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:531816) is 14.65. Currently the stock is trading 65.8% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 4.99  Closed at: 5.01  Number of trades 5  Number of shares traded 1550
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.57%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 5.01 1550
18-Jun-2018 5.25 1360
07-Mar-2018 9.8 22772
06-Mar-2018 9.12 7686
12-Feb-2018 9.38 11327

Ace India Lt (Bse Code:530093)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Ace India Lt (Bse Code:530093) is 1.02. Currently the stock is trading 0% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Ace India Lt (Bse Code:530093) is 2.45. Currently the stock is trading 58.37% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 1.02  Closed at: 1.02  Number of trades 3  Number of shares traded 500
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.67%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 1.02 500
18-Jun-2018 - -
07-Mar-2018 - -
06-Mar-2018 2.17 250
12-Feb-2018 - -

Woolite Merc (Bse Code:512217)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Woolite Merc (Bse Code:512217) is 20.2. Currently the stock is trading .25% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Woolite Merc (Bse Code:512217) is 47.9. Currently the stock is trading 57.72% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 21.95  Closed at: 20.25  Number of trades 6  Number of shares traded 1435
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.71%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 20.25 1435
18-Jun-2018 21.25 391
07-Mar-2018 29.4 1148
06-Mar-2018 30.9 1866
12-Feb-2018 30.75 4091

Nikhil Adhesives Ltd (Bse Code:526159)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Nikhil Adhesives Ltd (Bse Code:526159) is 113. Currently the stock is trading 46.46% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Nikhil Adhesives Ltd (Bse Code:526159) is 297.5. Currently the stock is trading 44.37% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 172.60  Closed at: 165.5  Number of trades 19  Number of shares traded 630
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.75%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 165.5 630
18-Jun-2018 173.75 1854
07-Mar-2018 248.2 1174
06-Mar-2018 255.4 803
12-Feb-2018 291 9715

Sawaca Busi

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Sawaca Busi is .59. Currently the stock is trading 0% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Sawaca Busi is 4.14. Currently the stock is trading 85.75% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 0.59  Closed at: .59  Number of trades 15  Number of shares traded 3484
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.84%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 .59 3484
18-Jun-2018 .62 200
07-Mar-2018 1.92 5270
06-Mar-2018 2.02 11150
12-Feb-2018 2.41 7100

Chand Prab I(Bse Indonext) (Bse Code:530309)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Chand Prab I(Bse Indonext) (Bse Code:530309) is 16.5. Currently the stock is trading 18.18% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Chand Prab I(Bse Indonext) (Bse Code:530309) is 26.8. Currently the stock is trading 27.24% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 19.50  Closed at: 19.5  Number of trades 1  Number of shares traded 50
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.88%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 19.5 50
18-Jun-2018 - -
07-Mar-2018 - -
06-Mar-2018 20.2 1999
12-Feb-2018 21.25 1000

Premier Explosives Limited (Bse Code:526247)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Premier Explosives Limited (Bse Code:526247) is 266.05. Currently the stock is trading 1.13% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Premier Explosives Limited (Bse Code:526247) is 536.25. Currently the stock is trading 49.83% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 281.95  Closed at: 269.05  Number of trades 20  Number of shares traded 1127
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.93%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 269.05 1127
18-Jun-2018 283 183
07-Mar-2018 365.9 4380
06-Mar-2018 377.15 895
12-Feb-2018 409.8 1428

Jindal Photo Limited (Bse Code:532624)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Jindal Photo Limited (Bse Code:532624) is 47.25. Currently the stock is trading 0% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Jindal Photo Limited (Bse Code:532624) is 106.45. Currently the stock is trading 55.61% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 47.25  Closed at: 47.25  Number of trades 16  Number of shares traded 1042
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.93%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 47.25 1042
18-Jun-2018 49.7 7203
07-Mar-2018 60.95 2955
06-Mar-2018 61.65 1249
12-Feb-2018 70.4 476

Sita Enterprises L Inr10 (Bse Code:512589)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Sita Enterprises L Inr10 (Bse Code:512589) is 16.3. Currently the stock is trading 0% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Sita Enterprises L Inr10 (Bse Code:512589) is 33.95. Currently the stock is trading 51.99% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 16.30  Closed at: 16.3  Number of trades 1  Number of shares traded 200
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.96%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 16.3 200
18-Jun-2018 - -
07-Mar-2018 17 130
06-Mar-2018 - -
12-Feb-2018 - -

Enterpr.Inte (Bse Code:526574)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Enterpr.Inte (Bse Code:526574) is 5.77. Currently the stock is trading 108.15% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Enterpr.Inte (Bse Code:526574) is 12.64. Currently the stock is trading 4.98% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 12.01  Closed at: 12.01  Number of trades 1  Number of shares traded 10
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.98%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 12.01 10
18-Jun-2018 12.64 11
07-Mar-2018 12.01 1
06-Mar-2018 12.25 5
12-Feb-2018 11.47 10

Uv Boards (Bse Code: 526957 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Uv Boards (Bse Code: 526957 ) is 17.25. Currently the stock is trading 131.88% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Uv Boards (Bse Code: 526957 ) is 69.05. Currently the stock is trading 42.07% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 44.20  Closed at: 40  Number of trades 33  Number of shares traded 9492
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.99%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 40 9492
18-Jun-2018 42.1 3357
07-Mar-2018 62.25 19183
06-Mar-2018 65.4 31826
12-Feb-2018 58.2 39503

Sky Industries Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:526479)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Sky Industries Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:526479) is 36.05. Currently the stock is trading 8.6% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Sky Industries Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:526479) is 70. Currently the stock is trading 44.07% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 41.50  Closed at: 39.15  Number of trades 17  Number of shares traded 944
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -5.09%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 39.15 944
18-Jun-2018 41.25 1893
07-Mar-2018 46.05 2275
06-Mar-2018 46.65 686
12-Feb-2018 50.3 2000

Somi Conveyor Beltings Limited (Bse Code:533001)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Somi Conveyor Beltings Limited (Bse Code:533001) is 41. Currently the stock is trading .24% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Somi Conveyor Beltings Limited (Bse Code:533001) is 87. Currently the stock is trading 52.76% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 42.00  Closed at: 41.1  Number of trades 75  Number of shares traded 5650
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -5.3%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 41.1 5650
18-Jun-2018 43.4 3798
07-Mar-2018 54.9 2215
06-Mar-2018 58.1 825
12-Feb-2018 66.2 5323

Alphageo India Ltd. (Bse Code:526397)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Alphageo India Ltd. (Bse Code:526397) is 638.95. Currently the stock is trading .3% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Alphageo India Ltd. (Bse Code:526397) is 1052.65. Currently the stock is trading 39.12% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 678.00  Closed at: 640.85  Number of trades 168  Number of shares traded 1140
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -5.35%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 640.85 1140
18-Jun-2018 677.1 1681
07-Mar-2018 779.3 2418
06-Mar-2018 791.6 1585
12-Feb-2018 843.3 2318

Sakuma Exports Limited (Bse Code:532713)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Sakuma Exports Limited (Bse Code:532713) is 73.3. Currently the stock is trading 144.07% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Sakuma Exports Limited (Bse Code:532713) is 210.05. Currently the stock is trading 14.83% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 186.05  Closed at: 178.9  Number of trades 24  Number of shares traded 658
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -5.37%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 178.9 658
18-Jun-2018 189.05 2364
07-Mar-2018 181.65 14827
06-Mar-2018 189.65 6936
12-Feb-2018 196.15 11493

Shervani Industrial Syndicate Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:526117)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Shervani Industrial Syndicate Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:526117) is 246.6. Currently the stock is trading 208.43% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Shervani Industrial Syndicate Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:526117) is 849. Currently the stock is trading 10.41% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 777.00  Closed at: 760.6  Number of trades 110  Number of shares traded 1988
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -5.45%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 760.6 1988
18-Jun-2018 804.4 711
07-Mar-2018 615 116
06-Mar-2018 611.9 64
12-Feb-2018 618.3 756

Vimta Labs Ltd (Bse Code:524394)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Vimta Labs Ltd (Bse Code:524394) is 124.8. Currently the stock is trading 75.44% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Vimta Labs Ltd (Bse Code:524394) is 238.85. Currently the stock is trading 8.33% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 232.50  Closed at: 218.95  Number of trades 449  Number of shares traded 14244
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -5.75%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 218.95 14244
18-Jun-2018 232.3 58562
07-Mar-2018 195.85 2342
06-Mar-2018 205.2 4108
12-Feb-2018 207.55 4179

Gujarat Borosil Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:523768)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Gujarat Borosil Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:523768) is 77. Currently the stock is trading 41.69% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Gujarat Borosil Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:523768) is 174.75. Currently the stock is trading 37.57% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 124.25  Closed at: 109.1  Number of trades 3210  Number of shares traded 412903
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -7.31%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 109.1 412903
18-Jun-2018 117.7 57701
07-Mar-2018 98.4 53075
06-Mar-2018 103.55 49829
12-Feb-2018 117.75 25080

Premco Globa(Bse Indonext) (Bse Code:530331)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Premco Globa(Bse Indonext) (Bse Code:530331) is 196. Currently the stock is trading 10.66% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Premco Globa(Bse Indonext) (Bse Code:530331) is 518. Currently the stock is trading 58.13% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 249.60  Closed at: 216.9  Number of trades 75  Number of shares traded 3446
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -7.7%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 216.9 3446
18-Jun-2018 235 2570
07-Mar-2018 368 1475
06-Mar-2018 381.1 1020
12-Feb-2018 412.6 2292

Rathi Graphics Technologies Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:524610)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Rathi Graphics Technologies Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:524610) is 7.11. Currently the stock is trading 3.38% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Rathi Graphics Technologies Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:524610) is 22.2. Currently the stock is trading 66.89% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 7.11  Closed at: 7.35  Number of trades 4  Number of shares traded 9020
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -7.89%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 7.35 9020
18-Jun-2018 - -
07-Mar-2018 12.02 6648
06-Mar-2018 12.7 3184
12-Feb-2018 16.25 36313

Transcorp In (Bse Code:532410)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Transcorp In (Bse Code:532410) is 18. Currently the stock is trading 118.89% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Transcorp In (Bse Code:532410) is 61.5. Currently the stock is trading 35.93% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 37.55  Closed at: 39.4  Number of trades 105  Number of shares traded 15811
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -16.08%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 39.4 15811
18-Jun-2018 46.95 50976
07-Mar-2018 31.5 1061
06-Mar-2018 31.9 20765
12-Feb-2018 38.85 3890

The content, charts, analysis and or information on this site are for informational purposes only and are not to be considered as a solicitation or recommendation. Investing in stock markets is a risky business and if you are not sure about "where, when and how much" to invest, you should hire a suitably qualified financial advisor before making any such decisions. The content and details provided in this site are not connected with the financial industry and nothing here should be construed as giving financial advice. No warranty or guarantee is given regarding the accuracy, reliability, veracity, or completeness of the information provided here, and under no circumstances will the authors or service providers be liable for any loss including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages caused by using the information, or as a result of the risks inherent in the stock market.
-- Praveen Gandluri