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Mold-Tek Technologies Limited (Bse Code:526263)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Mold-Tek Technologies Limited (Bse Code:526263) is 41.4. Currently the stock is trading 6.04% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Mold-Tek Technologies Limited (Bse Code:526263) is 82. Currently the stock is trading 46.46% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 41.50  Closed at: 43.9  Number of trades 28  Number of shares traded 2419
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 05.28%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 43.9 2419
18-Jun-2018 41.7 1
07-Mar-2018 57.05 101429
06-Mar-2018 57.5 117021
12-Feb-2018 63.75 2373

Tijaria Ppl

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Tijaria Ppl is 5.97. Currently the stock is trading 58.29% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Tijaria Ppl is 15.66. Currently the stock is trading 39.66% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 9.45  Closed at: 9.45  Number of trades 5  Number of shares traded 545
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 05.00%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 9.45 545
18-Jun-2018 9 661
07-Mar-2018 9.96 19456
06-Mar-2018 10.31 7546
12-Feb-2018 13.25 13700

Amco India(Bse Indonext) (Bse Code:530133)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Amco India(Bse Indonext) (Bse Code:530133) is 26. Currently the stock is trading 11.35% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Amco India(Bse Indonext) (Bse Code:530133) is 57. Currently the stock is trading 49.21% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 28.00  Closed at: 28.95  Number of trades 15  Number of shares traded 1244
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 04.70%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 28.95 1244
18-Jun-2018 27.65 5323
07-Mar-2018 33 3706
06-Mar-2018 34.5 1379
12-Feb-2018 39.55 6787

Axel Polyme (Bse Code:513642)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Axel Polyme (Bse Code:513642) is 8.77. Currently the stock is trading 89.28% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Axel Polyme (Bse Code:513642) is 29.25. Currently the stock is trading 43.25% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 16.70  Closed at: 16.6  Number of trades 10  Number of shares traded 1691
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 03.75%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 16.6 1691
18-Jun-2018 16 1208
07-Mar-2018 22.35 35
06-Mar-2018 23.5 2401
12-Feb-2018 24.6 1930

Premier Poly

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Premier Poly is 28. Currently the stock is trading 22.32% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Premier Poly is 59.45. Currently the stock is trading 42.39% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 34.95  Closed at: 34.25  Number of trades 4  Number of shares traded 440
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 02.09%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 34.25 440
18-Jun-2018 33.55 2159
07-Mar-2018 43 872
06-Mar-2018 45.8 200
12-Feb-2018 51.1 4210

Nat Plas In (Bse Code:526616)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Nat Plas In (Bse Code:526616) is 53.5. Currently the stock is trading 2.71% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Nat Plas In (Bse Code:526616) is 77. Currently the stock is trading 28.64% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 54.05  Closed at: 54.95  Number of trades 35  Number of shares traded 1813
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 01.57%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 54.95 1813
18-Jun-2018 54.1 2399
07-Mar-2018 62.45 5660
06-Mar-2018 65.65 6423
12-Feb-2018 60.8 14305

Polyplex Corporation Limited (Bse Code:524051)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Polyplex Corporation Limited (Bse Code:524051) is 417.8. Currently the stock is trading 8.57% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Polyplex Corporation Limited (Bse Code:524051) is 601. Currently the stock is trading 24.53% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 445.50  Closed at: 453.6  Number of trades 76  Number of shares traded 3301
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 00.67%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 453.6 3301
18-Jun-2018 450.6 1423
07-Mar-2018 499.15 4001
06-Mar-2018 492.65 4134
12-Feb-2018 495.1 4427

Kunststof In (Bse Code:523594)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Kunststof In (Bse Code:523594) is 19.85. Currently the stock is trading 56.17% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Kunststof In (Bse Code:523594) is 40.85. Currently the stock is trading 24.11% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 31.00  Closed at: 31  Number of trades 13  Number of shares traded 921
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 00.00%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 31 921
18-Jun-2018 31 100
07-Mar-2018 40.85 4929
06-Mar-2018 39.15 400
12-Feb-2018 35.1 4739

Tpl Plastech Limited (Bse Code:526582)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Tpl Plastech Limited (Bse Code:526582) is 272.45. Currently the stock is trading 1.96% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Tpl Plastech Limited (Bse Code:526582) is 780.9. Currently the stock is trading 64.43% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 282.95  Closed at: 277.8  Number of trades 21  Number of shares traded 128
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -00.25%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 277.8 128
18-Jun-2018 278.5 380
07-Mar-2018 438.7 11281
06-Mar-2018 479.05 68
12-Feb-2018 526.05 1107

Peacock Ind. (Bse Code: 500327 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Peacock Ind. (Bse Code: 500327 ) is 11.4. Currently the stock is trading .88% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Peacock Ind. (Bse Code: 500327 ) is 19.47. Currently the stock is trading 40.93% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 11.70  Closed at: 11.5  Number of trades 43  Number of shares traded 26966
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -00.26%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 11.5 26966
18-Jun-2018 11.53 48340
07-Mar-2018 12.9 42917
06-Mar-2018 13.57 15894
12-Feb-2018 16 24832

Mayur Uniquoters Limited (Bse Code:522249)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Mayur Uniquoters Limited (Bse Code:522249) is 315. Currently the stock is trading 41.37% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Mayur Uniquoters Limited (Bse Code:522249) is 554.8. Currently the stock is trading 19.74% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 451.80  Closed at: 445.3  Number of trades 37  Number of shares traded 476
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -00.39%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 445.3 476
18-Jun-2018 447.05 1101
07-Mar-2018 495.4 1877
06-Mar-2018 500.1 882
12-Feb-2018 507.05 2816

Tainwala Ch. (Bse Code: 507785 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Tainwala Ch. (Bse Code: 507785 ) is 63. Currently the stock is trading 58.73% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Tainwala Ch. (Bse Code: 507785 ) is 139.7. Currently the stock is trading 28.42% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 96.50  Closed at: 100  Number of trades 2  Number of shares traded 87
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -00.55%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 100 87
18-Jun-2018 100.55 750
07-Mar-2018 96 173
06-Mar-2018 95 14
12-Feb-2018 110.25 160

Nilkamal Ltd. (Bse Code:523385)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Nilkamal Ltd. (Bse Code:523385) is 1514. Currently the stock is trading 10.46% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Nilkamal Ltd. (Bse Code:523385) is 2095.8. Currently the stock is trading 20.21% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 1680.95  Closed at: 1672.3  Number of trades 81  Number of shares traded 772
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -00.56%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 1672.3 772
18-Jun-2018 1681.7 1428
07-Mar-2018 1634.55 1175
06-Mar-2018 1681.5 1182
12-Feb-2018 1808.6 4489

Bright Brothers Limited (Bse Code:526731)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Bright Brothers Limited (Bse Code:526731) is 80.5. Currently the stock is trading 7.45% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Bright Brothers Limited (Bse Code:526731) is 132.3. Currently the stock is trading 34.62% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 86.55  Closed at: 86.5  Number of trades 9  Number of shares traded 1474
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -00.63%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 86.5 1474
18-Jun-2018 87.05 877
07-Mar-2018 93.15 1000
06-Mar-2018 95.85 3503
12-Feb-2018 104 1450

Caprihans (Bse Code: 509486 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Caprihans (Bse Code: 509486 ) is 75. Currently the stock is trading 2% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Caprihans (Bse Code: 509486 ) is 129. Currently the stock is trading 40.7% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 79.80  Closed at: 76.5  Number of trades 20  Number of shares traded 2016
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -00.65%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 76.5 2016
18-Jun-2018 77 2747
07-Mar-2018 88 12037
06-Mar-2018 89 5529
12-Feb-2018 102.65 5124

Epc Industries Ltd. (Bse Code:523754)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Epc Industries Ltd. (Bse Code:523754) is 128.55. Currently the stock is trading .62% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Epc Industries Ltd. (Bse Code:523754) is 213.8. Currently the stock is trading 39.5% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 128.60  Closed at: 129.35  Number of trades 184  Number of shares traded 14352
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -00.69%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 129.35 14352
18-Jun-2018 130.25 19641
07-Mar-2018 146.45 42070
06-Mar-2018 149.8 34507
12-Feb-2018 168.95 27070

Kalpana Industries Ltd (Bse Code:526409)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Kalpana Industries Ltd (Bse Code:526409) is 26.5. Currently the stock is trading 12.08% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Kalpana Industries Ltd (Bse Code:526409) is 42.95. Currently the stock is trading 30.85% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 29.40  Closed at: 29.7  Number of trades 6  Number of shares traded 413
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 29.7 413
18-Jun-2018 30 1622
07-Mar-2018 37.5 16691
06-Mar-2018 37.5 5822
12-Feb-2018 36.7 15946

Astral Poly Technik Limited (Bse Code:532830)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Astral Poly Technik Limited (Bse Code:532830) is 606.1. Currently the stock is trading 65.18% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Astral Poly Technik Limited (Bse Code:532830) is 1015. Currently the stock is trading 1.36% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 1005.50  Closed at: 1001.15  Number of trades 32  Number of shares traded 201
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.2%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 1001.15 201
18-Jun-2018 1013.35 9340
07-Mar-2018 845.95 4528
06-Mar-2018 851.5 847
12-Feb-2018 784.3 1244

Milton Plastics Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:526143)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Milton Plastics Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:526143) is 12.63. Currently the stock is trading 3.64% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Milton Plastics Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:526143) is 27. Currently the stock is trading 51.52% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 12.63  Closed at: 13.09  Number of trades 24  Number of shares traded 6283
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.21%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 13.09 6283
18-Jun-2018 13.25 10582
07-Mar-2018 17.25 22871
06-Mar-2018 18.1 4264
12-Feb-2018 19.05 13490

Hitech Plast Limited (Bse Code:526217)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Hitech Plast Limited (Bse Code:526217) is 142.35. Currently the stock is trading 4% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Hitech Plast Limited (Bse Code:526217) is 232. Currently the stock is trading 36.19% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 149.50  Closed at: 148.05  Number of trades 10  Number of shares traded 567
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.3%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 148.05 567
18-Jun-2018 150 1
07-Mar-2018 142.35 1355
06-Mar-2018 147.85 2300
12-Feb-2018 170 1578

Srf Polymers Limited (Bse Code:532468)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Srf Polymers Limited (Bse Code:532468) is 2650. Currently the stock is trading 66.84% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Srf Polymers Limited (Bse Code:532468) is 4785. Currently the stock is trading 7.6% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 4785.00  Closed at: 4421.35  Number of trades 34  Number of shares traded 235
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.32%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 4421.35 235
18-Jun-2018 4480.45 22
07-Mar-2018 3904.05 139
06-Mar-2018 4001.3 190
12-Feb-2018 3776 290

Hydro S&S Filled Fibers Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:524019)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Hydro S&S Filled Fibers Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:524019) is 615. Currently the stock is trading 59.07% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Hydro S&S Filled Fibers Ltd(Nda) (Bse Code:524019) is 1132.4. Currently the stock is trading 13.61% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 962.50  Closed at: 978.25  Number of trades 95  Number of shares traded 2210
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.41%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 978.25 2210
18-Jun-2018 992.2 882
07-Mar-2018 951.05 995
06-Mar-2018 948.25 1880
12-Feb-2018 1127.65 8064


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Company details:

52 Week Low of Jislbndvr is 58. Currently the stock is trading 0% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Jislbndvr is 99.95. Currently the stock is trading 41.97% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 59.00  Closed at: 58  Number of trades 54  Number of shares traded 9579
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.44%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 58 9579
18-Jun-2018 58.85 19182
07-Mar-2018 64.95 10190
06-Mar-2018 68.6 10283
12-Feb-2018 73.8 17298

Suprem Ind (Bse Code: 509930 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Suprem Ind (Bse Code: 509930 ) is 1018. Currently the stock is trading 21.76% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Suprem Ind (Bse Code: 509930 ) is 1470. Currently the stock is trading 15.68% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 1250.00  Closed at: 1239.5  Number of trades 210  Number of shares traded 2306
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.52%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 1239.5 2306
18-Jun-2018 1258.6 4080
07-Mar-2018 1168.45 3070
06-Mar-2018 1180.2 5366
12-Feb-2018 1193.15 3016

Sanghi Industries Ltd. (Bse Code:526521)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Sanghi Industries Ltd. (Bse Code:526521) is 72.8. Currently the stock is trading 18.41% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Sanghi Industries Ltd. (Bse Code:526521) is 144. Currently the stock is trading 40.14% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 87.00  Closed at: 86.2  Number of trades 464  Number of shares traded 28827
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.54%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 86.2 28827
18-Jun-2018 87.55 26189
07-Mar-2018 109.35 33719
06-Mar-2018 115.55 14951
12-Feb-2018 122.1 77569

Prima Plastc (Bse Code:530589)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Prima Plastc (Bse Code:530589) is 143.15. Currently the stock is trading 1.15% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Prima Plastc (Bse Code:530589) is 286. Currently the stock is trading 49.37% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 147.95  Closed at: 144.8  Number of trades 178  Number of shares traded 13631
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.86%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 144.8 13631
18-Jun-2018 147.55 9801
07-Mar-2018 185.5 11127
06-Mar-2018 192.8 8021
12-Feb-2018 196.95 20261

Vinyoflex Lt (Bse Code:530401)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Vinyoflex Lt (Bse Code:530401) is 26.75. Currently the stock is trading 16.64% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Vinyoflex Lt (Bse Code:530401) is 44. Currently the stock is trading 29.09% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 33.40  Closed at: 31.2  Number of trades 7  Number of shares traded 1615
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.04%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 31.2 1615
18-Jun-2018 31.85 385
07-Mar-2018 37.05 111
06-Mar-2018 39 501
12-Feb-2018 43.25 5709

Nahar Investments And Holding Limited (Bse Code:523391)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Nahar Investments And Holding Limited (Bse Code:523391) is 46.3. Currently the stock is trading 3.24% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Nahar Investments And Holding Limited (Bse Code:523391) is 85.9. Currently the stock is trading 44.35% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 49.15  Closed at: 47.8  Number of trades 38  Number of shares traded 9331
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.25%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 47.8 9331
18-Jun-2018 48.9 4548
07-Mar-2018 56.45 5154
06-Mar-2018 59.85 3147
12-Feb-2018 69.75 14075

Jain Irrig (Bse Code: 500219 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Jain Irrig (Bse Code: 500219 ) is 86.25. Currently the stock is trading 10.2% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Jain Irrig (Bse Code: 500219 ) is 150.4. Currently the stock is trading 36.8% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 96.15  Closed at: 95.05  Number of trades 1216  Number of shares traded 252941
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.31%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 95.05 252941
18-Jun-2018 97.3 255270
07-Mar-2018 105 808263
06-Mar-2018 108.95 867063
12-Feb-2018 123.2 998943

Poly Pol (I) (Bse Code:531454)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Poly Pol (I) (Bse Code:531454) is 15.05. Currently the stock is trading 19.6% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Poly Pol (I) (Bse Code:531454) is 29.6. Currently the stock is trading 39.19% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 18.00  Closed at: 18  Number of trades 3  Number of shares traded 201
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.7%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 18 201
18-Jun-2018 - -
07-Mar-2018 25.3 3476
06-Mar-2018 26.1 7054
12-Feb-2018 28.95 10121

Vip Indus. (Bse Code: 507880 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Vip Indus. (Bse Code: 507880 ) is 170.5. Currently the stock is trading 150.65% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Vip Indus. (Bse Code: 507880 ) is 446.75. Currently the stock is trading 4.34% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 441.10  Closed at: 427.35  Number of trades 1398  Number of shares traded 65716
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.95%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 427.35 65716
18-Jun-2018 440.35 51884
07-Mar-2018 342.25 31958
06-Mar-2018 337.7 32135
12-Feb-2018 354.7 45363

Wim Plast Ltd (Bse Code:526586)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Wim Plast Ltd (Bse Code:526586) is 897. Currently the stock is trading .98% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Wim Plast Ltd (Bse Code:526586) is 1672. Currently the stock is trading 45.83% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 924.05  Closed at: 905.8  Number of trades 321  Number of shares traded 2591
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -3.56%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 905.8 2591
18-Jun-2018 939.2 763
07-Mar-2018 1190 1776
06-Mar-2018 1210.9 3009
12-Feb-2018 1215.2 1552

Tokyo Plast (Bse Code: 500418 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Tokyo Plast (Bse Code: 500418 ) is 63.05. Currently the stock is trading 3.25% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Tokyo Plast (Bse Code: 500418 ) is 167. Currently the stock is trading 61.02% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 67.05  Closed at: 65.1  Number of trades 22  Number of shares traded 736
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.19%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 65.1 736
18-Jun-2018 67.95 2521
07-Mar-2018 104.9 2647
06-Mar-2018 106.5 343
12-Feb-2018 114.85 2079

Arcee Indust (Bse Code:520121)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Arcee Indust (Bse Code:520121) is 1.43. Currently the stock is trading 0% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Arcee Indust (Bse Code:520121) is 2.45. Currently the stock is trading 41.63% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 1.43  Closed at: 1.43  Number of trades 2  Number of shares traded 500
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.67%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 1.43 500
18-Jun-2018 - -
07-Mar-2018 - -
06-Mar-2018 2.01 100
12-Feb-2018 - -

Tulsi Extrusions Limited (Bse Code:532948)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Tulsi Extrusions Limited (Bse Code:532948) is 1.4. Currently the stock is trading 0% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Tulsi Extrusions Limited (Bse Code:532948) is 4.39. Currently the stock is trading 68.11% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 1.53  Closed at: 1.4  Number of trades 35  Number of shares traded 16958
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.76%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 1.4 16958
18-Jun-2018 1.47 1360
07-Mar-2018 2.6 1650
06-Mar-2018 2.4 1700
12-Feb-2018 3.1 1039

National Plastic Technologies Ltd (Bse Code:531287)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of National Plastic Technologies Ltd (Bse Code:531287) is 33.2. Currently the stock is trading 9.79% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of National Plastic Technologies Ltd (Bse Code:531287) is 50.7. Currently the stock is trading 28.11% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 38.40  Closed at: 36.45  Number of trades 6  Number of shares traded 402
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.83%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 36.45 402
18-Jun-2018 38.3 258
07-Mar-2018 - -
06-Mar-2018 39.6 750
12-Feb-2018 - -

Fiberwb In (Bse Code: 507910 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Fiberwb In (Bse Code: 507910 ) is 75.2. Currently the stock is trading 0% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Fiberwb In (Bse Code: 507910 ) is 383.6. Currently the stock is trading 80.4% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 78.00  Closed at: 75.2  Number of trades 244  Number of shares traded 28731
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.99%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 75.2 28731
18-Jun-2018 79.15 33107
07-Mar-2018 137.9 64823
06-Mar-2018 137.2 241621
12-Feb-2018 173.95 96785

The content, charts, analysis and or information on this site are for informational purposes only and are not to be considered as a solicitation or recommendation. Investing in stock markets is a risky business and if you are not sure about "where, when and how much" to invest, you should hire a suitably qualified financial advisor before making any such decisions. The content and details provided in this site are not connected with the financial industry and nothing here should be construed as giving financial advice. No warranty or guarantee is given regarding the accuracy, reliability, veracity, or completeness of the information provided here, and under no circumstances will the authors or service providers be liable for any loss including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages caused by using the information, or as a result of the risks inherent in the stock market.
-- Praveen Gandluri