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Sectorwise stock analysis

Sectorwise stock prices and moves is the page where you get the details about start and close prices
of all the stocks by the end of previous trading session in a particular sector. The details are sorted by price percent move in a descending order
(highest moves at the top). If you are looking for the stocks in a different sector, click on the Sector specific page icon again to get a list of the sectors. If you are not sure of the sector and would like to search based in comapany name, visit company specifi page

Sanco Trans (Bse Code:523116)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Sanco Trans (Bse Code:523116) is 221.65. Currently the stock is trading 9.63% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Sanco Trans (Bse Code:523116) is 294.85. Currently the stock is trading 17.59% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 222.05  Closed at: 243  Number of trades 3  Number of shares traded 99
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 04.18%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 243 99
18-Jun-2018 - -
07-Mar-2018 246.9 150
06-Mar-2018 259.5 847
12-Feb-2018 - -

Essar Ship

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Essar Ship is 17.35. Currently the stock is trading 2.31% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Essar Ship is 35.85. Currently the stock is trading 50.49% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 17.35  Closed at: 17.75  Number of trades 25  Number of shares traded 354730
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 00.57%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 17.75 354730
18-Jun-2018 17.65 3296
07-Mar-2018 24.35 17732
06-Mar-2018 24.8 3805
12-Feb-2018 26.9 10675

Seamec Ltd. (Bse Code:526807)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Seamec Ltd. (Bse Code:526807) is 120.3. Currently the stock is trading 107.15% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Seamec Ltd. (Bse Code:526807) is 255. Currently the stock is trading 2.27% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 248.00  Closed at: 249.2  Number of trades 44  Number of shares traded 1104
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by 00.52%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 249.2 1104
18-Jun-2018 247.9 1019
07-Mar-2018 183.55 681
06-Mar-2018 190.1 2028
12-Feb-2018 179.6 1808

Pipavavship (Bse Code:533107)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Pipavavship (Bse Code:533107) is 13.6. Currently the stock is trading 1.1% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Pipavavship (Bse Code:533107) is 72.6. Currently the stock is trading 81.06% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 13.90  Closed at: 13.75  Number of trades 674  Number of shares traded 181458
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.43%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 13.75 181458
18-Jun-2018 13.95 133241
07-Mar-2018 34.45 883181
06-Mar-2018 36.05 765808
12-Feb-2018 41.85 1289290

Shreyas Shipping & Logistics Ltd (Bse Code:520151)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Shreyas Shipping & Logistics Ltd (Bse Code:520151) is 292. Currently the stock is trading 69.93% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Shreyas Shipping & Logistics Ltd (Bse Code:520151) is 645. Currently the stock is trading 23.07% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 501.00  Closed at: 496.2  Number of trades 97  Number of shares traded 1819
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -1.57%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 496.2 1819
18-Jun-2018 504.1 6063
07-Mar-2018 541.2 3633
06-Mar-2018 550.75 573
12-Feb-2018 582.8 639

Mercator Lines Limited (Bse Code:526235)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Mercator Lines Limited (Bse Code:526235) is 23.9. Currently the stock is trading .42% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Mercator Lines Limited (Bse Code:526235) is 45.65. Currently the stock is trading 47.43% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 24.50  Closed at: 24  Number of trades 484  Number of shares traded 77694
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.24%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 24 77694
18-Jun-2018 24.55 201483
07-Mar-2018 34.65 335031
06-Mar-2018 36.75 208126
12-Feb-2018 38.6 333621

Garwar Off (Bse Code: 501848 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Garwar Off (Bse Code: 501848 ) is 23. Currently the stock is trading 2.39% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Garwar Off (Bse Code: 501848 ) is 49.8. Currently the stock is trading 52.71% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 24.00  Closed at: 23.55  Number of trades 64  Number of shares traded 17430
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.28%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 23.55 17430
18-Jun-2018 24.1 6930
07-Mar-2018 28.35 4429
06-Mar-2018 29.55 3945
12-Feb-2018 35.95 7125

The Shipping Corporation Of India Ltd. (Bse Code:523598)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of The Shipping Corporation Of India Ltd. (Bse Code:523598) is 62.55. Currently the stock is trading .24% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of The Shipping Corporation Of India Ltd. (Bse Code:523598) is 100.8. Currently the stock is trading 37.8% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 64.10  Closed at: 62.7  Number of trades 453  Number of shares traded 64119
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.49%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 62.7 64119
18-Jun-2018 64.3 87371
07-Mar-2018 65.8 161708
06-Mar-2018 67.7 348296
12-Feb-2018 85.5 769110

Great Easte (Bse Code: 500620 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Great Easte (Bse Code: 500620 ) is 315.05. Currently the stock is trading .24% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Great Easte (Bse Code: 500620 ) is 475. Currently the stock is trading 33.52% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 324.70  Closed at: 315.8  Number of trades 110  Number of shares traded 3154
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.74%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 315.8 3154
18-Jun-2018 324.7 1439
07-Mar-2018 355.65 2215
06-Mar-2018 355.8 4408
12-Feb-2018 387.1 18278

S K S Logistics Limited (Bse Code:526508)

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Company details:

52 Week Low of S K S Logistics Limited (Bse Code:526508) is 7.86. Currently the stock is trading 3.69% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of S K S Logistics Limited (Bse Code:526508) is 12.19. Currently the stock is trading 33.14% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 8.15  Closed at: 8.15  Number of trades 1  Number of shares traded 1
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -2.98%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 8.15 1
18-Jun-2018 8.4 60
07-Mar-2018 8.91 415
06-Mar-2018 8.49 2475
12-Feb-2018 - -

Chowgule St (Bse Code: 501833 )

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Company details:

52 Week Low of Chowgule St (Bse Code: 501833 ) is 10.07. Currently the stock is trading .2% from 52 week low price
52 Week High of Chowgule St (Bse Code: 501833 ) is 19.2. Currently the stock is trading 47.45% from 52 week high price

As of the end of trading session on 19-Jun-2018
Open Price was: 10.80  Closed at: 10.09  Number of trades 13  Number of shares traded 4850
Detailed movement for 15 days looks as below:

By the end of previous trading session -  Close of 19-Jun-2018 (One day) moved by -4.54%
 (Three days) moved by 00.00%
 (Seven days) moved by 00.00%
 (Fifteen days) moved by 00.00%

Recent historical pirces and volume data:

DateClose PriceVolume
19-Jun-2018 10.09 4850
18-Jun-2018 10.57 891
07-Mar-2018 - -
06-Mar-2018 15.45 52
12-Feb-2018 15.05 1714

The content, charts, analysis and or information on this site are for informational purposes only and are not to be considered as a solicitation or recommendation. Investing in stock markets is a risky business and if you are not sure about "where, when and how much" to invest, you should hire a suitably qualified financial advisor before making any such decisions. The content and details provided in this site are not connected with the financial industry and nothing here should be construed as giving financial advice. No warranty or guarantee is given regarding the accuracy, reliability, veracity, or completeness of the information provided here, and under no circumstances will the authors or service providers be liable for any loss including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages caused by using the information, or as a result of the risks inherent in the stock market.
-- Praveen Gandluri